Supermarket Billing System App
Automatic Billing System using Li-Fi Module
Large super markets have a great variety of goodsand different supermarkets may have different distribution of commodity. Most of the customers find it difficult to stand in long queue for billing the purchased products. This causes waste of time and wrong billing for wrong customers. This project provides a great solution to all these problems. Most recently LIFI is new emerging technology in the trend. In this project data transfer is processed between products and the mobile phone. Each and every product is having LIFI transmitter and it store the encoded data similar to the product id, cost of product and quantity.Here the mobile is integrated with LIFI receiver via OTG communication in the shopping cart. It can read the commodities’ information when the LIFI transmitter holding goods are chosen by the customers, each information of the goods can be entered by using the mobile LIFI and when the product is kept into the trolley, which also contains the LIFI module, double check the product identity. After completing the purchase, the payment is processed in mobile itself via mobile banking system. Finally the cart section will verify the payment and purchase of product which will again cross check the products by the trolley module when we come out of the exit section of the shopping center. If the product is mismatched at this stage it immediately alerts the owner. This technology is used in this project for finding out the information of the commodities.

In this daily, we contemporary a coded modulation system based on LiFi for inside visible light communications. Since the bandwidth of a single LiFi light is limited, we use parallel LiFi wicks with different product current to transmit data simultaneously and with this we could overcome situations where it comes to restock delay etc. and get over with automatic billing and easy tracking of any product
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